Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance
Here at The King’s we are committed to providing a world class careers programme which is guided by the Gatsby benchmarks. We strive towards meeting all elements of the benchmarks, providing our students with a range of aspirational activities, employer encounters, opportunities to develop employability skills and advice and guidance in relation to their future pathways. We are very fortunate that these opportunities are provided both in school and out of school by our teaching staff, local and national employers/employees, University representatives and other further and higher education volunteers.
There are 3 main objectives which run through the Careers Education Information, Advice & Guidance (CEIAG) programme for all year groups at The Kingʼs School:
Self-Development: For students to be able to understand themselves and the influences upon them
Career Exploration: For students to be able to investigate opportunities in learning and work
Career Management: For students to be able to make and adjust plans to manage change and transition
Mrs A Wright is our Careers Leader and oversees the careers programme. If you have any questions, she can be contacted on
What are the Gatsby Benchmarks?

The Gatsby Benchmarks are a framework of 8 guidelines that define the best careers provision in secondary schools. For more information, take a look at this guide.
Local Labour Market Information:
As part of your careers journey at The King's you will be kept informed of the local labour market. This information will tell you what jobs and skills employers are looking for, which industries have vacancies and where they are located, what education and training is needed for specific jobs and finally, which jobs will be popular in the future, which are on the decline and other statistics linked to your career choices and destinations.
The image below demonstrates which industries currently employ the most people within the Newcastle district. This is really important information as this informs us of which sectors are likely to provide career opportunities for our students in the near future. This can assist our students in their subject choices and career aspirations.
The King's Careers Learning Journey
Please click on the link below to see your child's careers learning journey here at The King's.
The King’s CEIAG Programme
See below a link to our initial CEIAG programme for the 2024/25 academic year outlining the various activities, opportunities and experiences our students are provided with. This programme is updated on a half termly basis with further activities.
To continue to assist our students with their future study and career options we have partnered with Unifrog which is the complete destinations platform. This is a one-stop-shop for students across KS3, KS4 and KS5 regardless of their interests or academic ability. It is the only place where students can compare every university course, apprenticeship and FE course in the UK as well as universities in 30 other countries across the world. This is alongside getting access to labour market information and advice on careers and subjects for all routes. Unifrog also helps students to record and evidence their key activities & competencies and prepare their CVs and personal statements alongside the teacher reference, CEIAG interactions recording and destination tracking tools, all in line with the Gatsby Benchmarks. Click here to log in to your student Unifrog account.
Key Stage 3 & 4
Key Stage 3, 4 & 5
Applying for Jobs & CV Tips
Careers Box []
Apprenticeships & Training
Apprenticeships []
NSEG Training Association []
Total People []
Armed Forces
Royal Air Force []
Royal Navy []
Step into the NHS []
West Midlands Hospital []
Career Paths
B-Constructive []
Chiltern Maritime Ltd []
Co-Operative Food []
World Skills UK []
Newcastle College []
Reaseheath College []
South Cheshire College []
Stoke-on-trent College []
Help & Support
Victim Support []
Performing Arts
Get into Theatre []
Key Stage 5
All About Careers []
Applying to University
The Complete University Guide []
Keele University []