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Nightingale Academy

Discovering Life in all its Fullness

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Discovering Life in all its Fullness


This addendum to the School Behaviour Policy identifies the main expectations of 6th Form students during their time with us. It highlights, but not exclusively, some of the key points from the School Behaviour Policy and other associated documents such as the ICT User Agreement, Uniform Policy and Mobile Phone Policy. For Sixth Form students, the expectations are higher than for other students to reflect their status as young adults and as role-models. They will be treated more severely than other students (for example, for being persistently late).


Misbehaviour in the Sixth Form is considered to be a persistent breach of any of the following points. In particular, please note that poor attendance, lateness, or submitting work of poor effort are considered disciplinary breaches of the School Behaviour Policy.


Expectations are as follows. All Sixth Form students will:


  • adhere to The King's behaviour policy to ensure the school can be a positive and safe environment, where effective learning takes place;

  • bring resources to lessons as necessary;

  • provide a positive role model for younger students;

  • keep paid work to a maximum of 8 hours a week and never during school time;

  • manage their social life and other commitments so that they don’t impede on academic studies;

  • abide by the Sixth Form uniform policy; in particular the hair/appearance code;

  • Only use their mobile phone in the common room, during the school day;

  • follow the ICT User Agreement at the school;

  • not act in such a way so that I might bring the reputation of the school into disrepute;

  • strive to achieve the highest academic standards of which they are capable;

  • recognise that study in the Sixth Form is a full-time occupation;

  • attend all lessons, RE, assemblies and registration periods;

  • regularly attend school registration, on time at 8:35am each morning, with an attendance rate to registration of at least 96%;

  • actively complete all 'additional qualifications' during enrichment;

  • respect the school site, especially the common room;

  • follow agreed procedures to report any absence;

  • meet homework and coursework deadlines;

  • return all school issued equipment at the end of the course;

  • use study periods productively, take responsibility for my own learning.
