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Nightingale Academy

Discovering Life in all its Fullness

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Discovering Life in all its Fullness


Please be aware that it is school policy to respond to parents within 48 hours for routine enquiries


To create a welcoming and safe learning environment for all members working at The King’s, the academy implements a specifically designed policy regarding behaviour and conduct which all parents and carers are expected to act in accordance with.


At all times staff at the Academy seek to work with parents in a positive and constructive manner. We ask that parents and carers recognise that a school environment is a busy, high intensity one and that the average teacher can work with over 200 students each day, with the vast majority of their time committed to teaching.


From time to time things may not go perfectly – working with students, especially teenagers, is not a perfect science. We will endeavour to recognise those moments and put things back on track as soon as possible. We know that when school and home are not working in harmony, it is the child that suffers. We are committed to constructive home –school relationships.


We ask parents and carers to remember that every employee, whatever field of work they are in, has the right to work without fear of physical violence or verbal abuse. Teachers and all member of the school community are no different.


By sending a child to be educated at the Academy a parent or carer is agreeing to abide by the expectations set out in our Parent Code of Conduct policy. This document outlines the manner in which parents and carers are expected to act whilst engaged in any form of communication with the Academy, be that in person or remotely. It details the types of behaviour that will not be tolerated and outlines the academies response in dealing with such behaviour.
