Meet the Staff
Hello, my name is Miss Plant-Burnett and a warm welcome to The King's Church of England Academy!
I am the first person you will see when entering the academy and I am always here and happy to help in any way that I can.
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions and queries that you may have and I will always do my best to assist you in any way that I can.
I look forward to warmly welcoming you into the academy in the future and getting to know you all along the way.
Take care and I look forward to seeing you all soon!
Senior Leadership Team
Mr W Wilson | Executive Principal |
Mrs L Boon | Vice Principal: Head of Sixth Form, Curriculum & Christian Distinctiveness |
Mr A Ponsford | Assistant Principal: Teaching and Learning |
Ms A Perry | Assistant Principal: Designated Safeguarding Lead and SENDCo |
Mr M Worthington | Assistant Principal: Behaviour and Relationships |
Mrs A Prince | Senior Business Manager |
Heads of Year
Miss O Stanyer | Head of Year 7 and Teacher of English |
Mrs J Kirk | Head of Year 8 and Teacher of Computer Science & ICT |
Miss E Stevens | Head of Year 9 and Teacher of Art |
Mr B Barber | Head of Year 10 and Teacher of Religious Education |
Mrs N Kelly | Head of Year 11 and Teacher of Geography |
Mrs E Finnemore | Sixth Form Manager and Teacher of Childcare & Health and Social Care |
Curriculum Development Leaders
Mrs E Perry | CDL: English; Literacy across the Curriculum and Teacher of English |
Mrs Wilson | CDL: Science and Teacher of Science |
Mrs S Turner | CDL: Mathematics; Numeracy across the Curriculum and Teacher of Mathematics |
Hub Leaders
Mr Z Aslam | ICT Hub Leader; STEAM across the Curriculum and Teacher of Computer Science & ICT |
Miss H Kaminkas | Wellbeing Hub Leader and Teacher of Physical Education |
Miss L Pattison | Creative Arts Hub Leader and Teacher of Art & Photography |
Miss A Sharrock | Humanities Hub Leader and Teacher of Geography |
Mr D Hinchcliffe | Technology Hub Leader and Teacher of Technology |
Mrs A Wright | Personal Development Leader: CEIAG (Careers, Education, Information and Guidance) and Teacher of Science |
Miss E Nicholls | Personal Development Leader: RSHE (Relationships, Sex & Health Education) and Teacher of History |
Teaching Staff
Miss L Pattinson | Teacher of Art & Photography |
Mrs A Nevard | Deputy SENDCo and Teacher of Modern Foreign Languages |
Mrs J Kirk | Teacher of Computer Science and ICT |
Miss L Richardson | Teacher of Drama |
Mrs R Cresswell | Teacher of English |
Miss P Elkins | Teacher of English |
Mr T Harrison | Teacher of English |
Mr C Mannion | Assistant CDL: English and Teacher of English |
Mr E Asplin | Teacher of English |
Mrs N Kelly | Associate Assistant Principal and Teacher of Geography |
Miss S Richardson | Teacher of Geography |
Mrs A Brown | Teacher of History |
Miss E Thwaites | Teacher of History |
Mr M Haworth | Teacher of Mathematics |
Mr J Gosling | Teacher of Mathematics |
Mrs M Gosling | Lead Teacher: Maths and Teacher of Mathematics |
Mr D Purle | Assistant CDL: Maths and Teacher of Mathematics |
Mr M Watson | Teacher of Mathematics |
Mrs C Davis | Teacher of Modern Foreign Languages |
Mr T Smith | Teacher of Music |
Mrs K Berrisford | Teacher of Physical Education |
Mr L Anthony | Teacher of Physical Education |
Mrs C Keay | Lead Teacher: RE and Teacher of Religious Studies |
Mrs L Leo-Keay | Teacher of Science |
Miss L Sykes | Teacher of Science |
Mr A Woolley | Teacher of Science |
Mr A Yearsley | Teacher of Science |
Miss S Collins | Bistro Manager and Teacher of Catering |
Mr M Mahony | Teacher of Technology |
Mr J Collis | Teacher of Technology |
Inclusion Team
Miss C Bedson | Pastoral Support Assistant |
Mrs C Cook | Clerical Assistant: SEND |
Mrs S Evans | Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Inclusion Support and Mental Health |
Mrs K Hinchcliffe | Inclusion Support Manager |
Mrs A Nevard | Deputy SENDCo |
Ms A Perry | Assistant Principal: DSL & SENDCo |
Miss O Stanyer | Designated Teacher for Children in Care (& Care Leavers) |
Ms Z Williams | Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and Inclusion Support Manager |
Mrs J Willatt | Pastoral Support Officer |
Mrs S Harrison | Student Support Manager |
Mr J Austerberry | Teaching Assistant and ELSA |
Mrs K Bridgwood | Teaching Assistant |
Miss K Gouveia | Internal Exclusion Manager |
Mr R Machin | Teaching Assistant |
Ms F Massey | Teaching Assistant (SEN & Medical) |
Miss C Fern | Teaching Assistant |
Miss A Davies | Teaching Assistant |
Mrs K Cooper | Teaching Assistant |
Mrs R McKenzie | Teaching Assistant |
Miss M Roberts | Teaching Assistant |
Mrs S Snape | Higher Level Teaching Assistant |
Mrs T Vella | Teaching Assistant |
Mr A Wellings | Pastoral Support Assistant |
Mrs E Williams | Teaching Assistant |
Designated Safeguarding Lead and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads
Ms A Perry | Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Mrs S Evans | Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Ms Z Williams | Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Mr M Worthington | Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Support Services
Mr D Barcroft | Cover Supervisor |
Mr W Blandford | Site Technician |
Mr D Coxon | Cover Supervisor |
Mrs A Greene | Reprographics Assistant |
Mrs J Harnett | Sixth Form Administrator and Marketing Manager |
Miss AM Kelly | Assistant Business Manager |
Mrs S Latham-Johnstone | Data and Cover Officer |
Mrs L Little | LRC Administrator |
Ms K Mathews | Caretaker |
Ms K Phillips | Finance and Visits Officer |
Miss K Plant-Burnett | Receptionist with First Aid |
Mr M Sargeant | Bistro Assistant |
Mr J Sherratt | Science & Technology Technician |
Mrs S Beswick-Pepper | Attendance and Welfare Officer |
Miss S Smith | PA to the Principal and Front Office Manager |
Mr M Toach | ICT & Data Systems Manager |
Mrs C Clarke | Assistant Catering Supervisor |
Miss S Dean-Boote | Kitchen Assistant |
Miss C Dufficey | Kitchen Assistant |
Ms M Forrester | Kitchen Assistant |
Mrs H Moores | Catering Supervisor |
Mrs N Murfitt | Kitchen Assistant |
Mrs J Proctor | Assistant Catering Supervisor |
Mrs C Bridges | Cleaner |
Mrs Helen Dennis | Cleaner |
Miss Olha Ivashchenko | Cleaner |
Mrs C Brough | Cleaner |
Miss L Hibell | Cleaner |
Mrs C Dennis | Cleaner |
Miss C Rhodes | Cleaner |
Mrs B Walker | Cleaner |