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Nightingale Academy

Discovering Life in all its Fullness

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Discovering Life in all its Fullness

Meet the Staff

Hello, my name is Miss Plant-Burnett and a warm welcome to The King's Church of England Academy!


I am the first person you will see when entering the academy and I am always here and happy to help in any way that I can. 


Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions and queries that you may have and I will always do my best to assist you in any way that I can.


I look forward to warmly welcoming you into the academy in the future and getting to know you all along the way. 


Take care and I look forward to seeing you all soon!

Senior Leadership Team

Mr W WilsonExecutive Principal
Mrs L BoonVice Principal: Head of Sixth Form, Curriculum & Christian Distinctiveness
Mr A PonsfordAssistant Principal: Teaching and Learning
Ms A PerryAssistant Principal: Designated Safeguarding Lead and SENDCo
Mr M WorthingtonAssistant Principal: Behaviour and Relationships
Mrs A PrinceSenior Business Manager


Heads of Year

Miss O Stanyer 

Head of Year 7 and Teacher of English

Mrs J KirkHead of Year 8 and Teacher of Computer Science & ICT
Miss E StevensHead of Year 9 and Teacher of Art
Mr B BarberHead of Year 10 and Teacher of Religious Education
Mrs N KellyHead of Year 11 and Teacher of Geography
Mrs E FinnemoreSixth Form Manager and Teacher of Childcare & Health and Social Care


Curriculum Development Leaders

Mrs E PerryCDL: English; Literacy across the Curriculum and Teacher of English
Mrs WilsonCDL: Science and Teacher of Science
Mrs S TurnerCDL: Mathematics; Numeracy across the Curriculum and Teacher of Mathematics


Hub Leaders

Mr Z AslamICT Hub Leader; STEAM across the Curriculum and Teacher of Computer Science & ICT
Miss H KaminkasWellbeing Hub Leader and Teacher of Physical Education
Miss L PattisonCreative Arts Hub Leader and Teacher of Art & Photography
Miss A SharrockHumanities Hub Leader and Teacher of Geography
Mr D HinchcliffeTechnology Hub Leader and Teacher of Technology
Mrs A WrightPersonal Development Leader: CEIAG (Careers, Education, Information and Guidance) and Teacher of Science
Miss E NichollsPersonal Development Leader: RSHE (Relationships, Sex & Health Education) and Teacher of History


Teaching Staff

Miss L PattinsonTeacher of Art & Photography
Mrs A NevardDeputy SENDCo and Teacher of Modern Foreign Languages
Mrs J KirkTeacher of Computer Science and ICT
Miss L RichardsonTeacher of Drama
Mrs R CresswellTeacher of English
Miss P ElkinsTeacher of English
Mr T HarrisonTeacher of English
Mr C MannionAssistant CDL: English and Teacher of English
Mr E AsplinTeacher of English
Mrs N KellyAssociate Assistant Principal and Teacher of Geography
Miss S RichardsonTeacher of Geography
Mrs A BrownTeacher of History
Miss E ThwaitesTeacher of History
Mr M HaworthTeacher of Mathematics
Mr J GoslingTeacher of Mathematics
Mrs M GoslingLead Teacher: Maths and Teacher of Mathematics
Mr D PurleAssistant CDL: Maths and Teacher of Mathematics
Mr M WatsonTeacher of Mathematics
Mrs C DavisTeacher of Modern Foreign Languages
Mr T SmithTeacher of Music
Mrs K BerrisfordTeacher of Physical Education
Mr L AnthonyTeacher of Physical Education
Mrs C KeayLead Teacher: RE and Teacher of Religious Studies
Mrs L Leo-KeayTeacher of Science
Miss L SykesTeacher of Science
Mr A WoolleyTeacher of Science
Mr A YearsleyTeacher of Science
Miss S CollinsBistro Manager and Teacher of Catering
Mr M Mahony

Teacher of Technology

Mr J CollisTeacher of Technology                     



Inclusion Team

Miss C BedsonPastoral Support Assistant
Mrs C CookClerical Assistant: SEND
Mrs S Evans

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Inclusion Support and Mental Health

Mrs K HinchcliffeInclusion Support Manager
Mrs A NevardDeputy SENDCo
Ms A PerryAssistant Principal: DSL & SENDCo
Miss O StanyerDesignated Teacher for Children in Care (& Care Leavers)
Ms Z WilliamsDeputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and Inclusion Support Manager
Mrs J WillattPastoral Support Officer
Mrs S HarrisonStudent Support Manager


Mr J AusterberryTeaching Assistant and ELSA
Mrs K BridgwoodTeaching Assistant
Miss K GouveiaInternal Exclusion Manager
Mr R MachinTeaching Assistant
Ms F MasseyTeaching Assistant (SEN & Medical)
Miss C FernTeaching Assistant
Miss A DaviesTeaching Assistant
Mrs K CooperTeaching Assistant 
Mrs R McKenzieTeaching Assistant
Miss M RobertsTeaching Assistant
Mrs S SnapeHigher Level Teaching Assistant
Mrs T VellaTeaching Assistant
Mr A WellingsPastoral Support Assistant
Mrs E WilliamsTeaching Assistant


Designated Safeguarding Lead and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads

Ms A PerryDesignated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs S EvansDeputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Ms Z WilliamsDeputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr M WorthingtonDeputy Designated Safeguarding Lead


Support Services

Mr D Barcroft Cover Supervisor
Mr W BlandfordSite Technician
Mr D Coxon Cover Supervisor
Mrs A GreeneReprographics Assistant
Mrs J HarnettSixth Form Administrator and Marketing Manager
Miss AM KellyAssistant Business Manager
Mrs S Latham-JohnstoneData and Cover Officer
Mrs L LittleLRC Administrator
Ms K MathewsCaretaker
Ms K PhillipsFinance and Visits Officer
Miss K Plant-BurnettReceptionist with First Aid
Mr M SargeantBistro Assistant
Mr J SherrattScience & Technology Technician
Mrs S Beswick-PepperAttendance and Welfare Officer
Miss S SmithPA to the Principal and Front Office Manager
Mr M ToachICT & Data Systems Manager


Mrs C ClarkeAssistant Catering Supervisor
Miss S Dean-BooteKitchen Assistant
Miss C DufficeyKitchen Assistant
Ms M ForresterKitchen Assistant
Mrs H MooresCatering Supervisor
Mrs N MurfittKitchen Assistant
Mrs J ProctorAssistant Catering Supervisor


Mrs C BridgesCleaner
Mrs Helen DennisCleaner
Miss Olha IvashchenkoCleaner
Mrs C BroughCleaner
Miss L HibellCleaner
Mrs C DennisCleaner
Miss C RhodesCleaner
Mrs B WalkerCleaner

