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Nightingale Academy

Discovering Life in all its Fullness

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Discovering Life in all its Fullness

Transition Arrangements

After you have applied (through the Local Authority) to The King's, we all have to wait until National Offers Day (always on 1 March) during Year 6 before the school finds out your name and contact details. As soon as we are able to, we contact you, in order to start making plans for September when your child starts with us.


During the summer term, we start to meet with the Year 6 teachers and TAs to talk about the progress and achievement of the children; and we meet with the children to find out what they are excited and worried about.


This summer's intake days for all students are from Monday 24 June 2024 until Thursday 27 June 2024; the meeting for parents and carers of our new Year 7 cohort is on Tuesday 11 June starting at 6pm. The children will come all four days with us at The King's in order to meet the other children and their teachers.  Children are to attend transition week wearing their primary school uniform.  For lunchtime, children can bring a packed lunch, or can purchase a school meal (£2.50 - we make arrangements to pay for these in advance - information to follow; those who receive free school meals will not be charged).  All children are expected to bring a filled water bottle to school every day.


Some children struggle with transition - for these students, we offer additional transition morning - please contact our Head of Year 7, Mrs Goldstraw, should you need any further information about this.


For students with additional needs or disabilities, a member of our SEND team also visits the primary schools to discuss transition needs in more detail. For children with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), our SENCo can attend the Year 6 annual review in order to help prepare for a smooth transition into Year 7, if this appropriate for your child and family.  


