Personal Appearance
Hairstyle guidance:
The following is stated in our school uniform policy:
The school reserves the right to make a judgement on the suitability of pupils’ hair and appearance.
Hair must be appropriately cut for school and in keeping with the student’s original and natural colour.
Hair must not be dyed a differing colour, dip dyed or balayage.
Extreme hairstyles, such as mohawks, patterned, stepped or brightly coloured hair, are unacceptable.
Pupils with long hair must ensure that this does not impede their vision, cover their face or provide a health and safety risk.
Hair should be no shorter that a grade 2 (7mm).
Long hair must be tied up during practical lessons, e.g. during PE.
Bandana style headbands and flowers/bows or excessive hair accessories are not to be worn; however, plain hair clips or bands are acceptable.
Hair extensions are not permitted.
As stated, hair must be in keeping with the student’s original and natural colour. The following is to exemplify the kinds of hair colouring that the school will find unacceptable (NB: this list is not a definitive list and it is the discretion of the Head teacher to judge the suitability of hair colour).

General Appearance
Here at The King's we take pride in our students appearance and that we must continue to present a good image both inside and outside of the school. This ensures that your child is prepared for the world of further education and employment, by instilling good routines and standards. Each day staff will check that pupils are dressed and presented in an appropriate manner for school.
Sanctions can be applied for failure to meet the school standard.
*These items will be confiscated and held in Reception and can be collected at the end of the school day. On the 3rd occasions of confiscation, parents/carers will be required to collect the items between 3:00pm-4:00pm.