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Nightingale Academy

Discovering Life in all its Fullness

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Discovering Life in all its Fullness


At regular intervals throughout Year 12 and 13, our teachers will give a progress judgement to indicate how a student is performing. If a student is not making expected steps of progress, the following supportive intervention programme is put into place. 


STAGE 1: Subject Teacher

Subject teacher will identify any student in their class causing concern in terms of:

  • Work- not meeting deadlines/not completely work/working below expected steps of progress
  • Attitude/behaviour


Subject teacher will meet with their student to:

  1. Offer support and agree targets
  2. Share targets with Curriculum/Hub Leader and Sixth Form manager


The Sixth Form manager will:

  • Email parents and student to inform them of stage 1 intervention

STAGE 2: Curriculum/Hub leaders

Continued under performance will be identified by curriculum/hub leaders.


Curriculum/Hub leaders will:

  1. Meet student, offer further support and set further targets
  2. Inform student of repercussions (withdrawal from cause/lower outcome grade)
  3. Share targets with the Sixth Form manager.


The Sixth Form manager will:

  • Send letter home to parents to inform them of stage 2 intervention

STAGE 3: Head of Sixth Form

Head of Sixth Form will:

  • Arrange a meeting with parents/carers, subject teacher and student
  • Offer support and agree targets
  • Place on weekly monitoring
  • Provide parents with stage 3 letter
  • Refer to the Head of School

STAGE 4: Senior Leadership Team

Head of Sixth form to review situation with Head of School and subsequently inform student about withdrawal of place on course.
