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Nightingale Academy

Discovering Life in all its Fullness

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Discovering Life in all its Fullness


A warm welcome to The King’s Sixth Form


In choosing our school, you will find yourself in a supportive environment, one which will challenge you to be the very best you can be. The sixth form transition is an exciting one, as it is an opportunity for our students to not only to progress on a personal level and academically, but it will also serve to develop their interpersonal skills by becoming the leaders of our student community.


We believe that each student deserves the best possible support in their transition through Post 16 education and this website will assist in setting our students off on that journey into Year 12 and 13. It also will highlight the expectations and high standards we have of you in Sixth Form.  


As a member of our Sixth Form, your learning environment will change considerably Post 16. There is a mutual trust and respect that you will learn for both your teachers and your studies. You will find that your relationships with your teachers become more of a partnership, where you will work together to navigate towards your aspirations and goals. You need to be prepared to work independently and self-motivate, setting realistic deadlines and targets for yourself. Resilience and perseverance will be two words that you hear over the next two years, as the step up to the Post 16 pathways, be it A Level, BTEC or blended is a challenging one.  But you will be surrounded by a team of staff that are trained to get the very best from you and guide you every step of the way.  


However, Sixth Form life is about much more than just tests and examinations. I actively encourage you to use this time to develop skills and experience opportunities outside of the classroom. The holistic programme in Sixth Form at the Academy is broad and has been designed with you in mind. We want you to get involved with work experience, mentoring, leadership and team building activities to name just a few of these opportunities. The biggest regret you will have at the end of your time at the Academy is if you don’t step outside of the common room and engage in the wider school community and enrich your time with us. Success is measured by more than just grades, and although ultimately important, contributing to wider school life will teach you valuable skills that you will be able to take with you in the next stage of your life. Ask yourself as you start Sixth Form, what do you want your legacy to be at The King’s?  


Remember, what you get out of the Sixth Form at The King’s very much depends on what you put into it. Our aim is to see our students leave as happy, successful, world-ready young people who have taken full advantage of everything our wonderful school has afforded them.  


Mrs L Boon

Vice Prinicpal; Curriculum & SIAMS and Head of Sixth Form
