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Nightingale Academy

Discovering Life in all its Fullness

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Discovering Life in all its Fullness

Attitude to Learning

Attitude to Learning grades explained


Grade 1 – Outstanding – Your attitude to learning is outstanding.

Your attitude to learning will support you in making excellent or outstanding steps of progress.

You are a highly motivated, organised and reflective learner who actively contributes in class and consistently acts on feedback to further your learning. Your motivation also extends to a high level of commitment to homework (so your commitment to homework will probably be either grade 1 or 2) and because of this, you are far more likely to be making excellent and outstanding steps of progress. Your behaviour is exemplary; you are a role model for the behaviours that we value as a school


Grade 2 – Good – Your attitude to learning is good.

Your attitude to learning will support you in making good or better steps of progress.

You are hardworking, keen to contribute in class and always try to produce work to the best of your ability. Your hard work extends to a good level of commitment to homework (so your commitment to homework grade will probably be a grade 1 or 2) and as such, means you are well placed to be making ‘good’ or better steps of progress. You show initiative and respond to feedback to further your learning. You display the behaviours that we value as a school.


Grade 3 – Requires Improvement - Your attitude to learning requires improvement.

Your current attitude to learning will not support you in making expected or better steps of progress.  

This means that you may occasionally try hard and contribute in lesson but your effort is not consistent. This inconsistency may also be reflected in your commitment to homework (so your commitment to homework grade will probably be either grade 3 or 4) which means you are significantly increasing your chances of making ‘below expected’ steps of progress. You do not always respond to feedback to further your learning. You have demonstrated you can behave in class however, there are too many occasions where you display the behaviours that we reject as a school. Overall, your attitude, organisation and/or behaviour is affecting your learning and preventing you from reaching your full potential.


Grade 4 – Inadequate - Your attitude to learning is not acceptable.

Your attitude to learning is likely to prevent you from making expected steps of progress.

This means that you are rarely motivated to learn in lessons, rarely contribute in class and overall, your work is not of an acceptable standard. You show little or no evidence of a commitment to homework (so your commitment to homework grade is probably a grade 4) which means you are significantly increasing your chances of making ‘below expected’ steps of progress. Your negative attitude and/or behaviours are affecting your own learning and possibly that of others.
