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Nightingale Academy

Discovering Life in all its Fullness

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Discovering Life in all its Fullness


One-to-one tuition is known as being a high-impact intervention strategy, based on evidence and recommendations from the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF).

Here at The King’s we use a private company, MyTutor to run online one-to-one tuition programmes that reinforce classwork, helping pupils in Key Stage 4 to build confidence, plug learning gaps and achieve their GCSE forecast grades. The tuition focuses predominantly on maths, science, English and English Literature.


The MyTutor programmes connect pupils with handpicked, talented tutors studying at the UK’s top universities. Their tutors are not only subject specialists, but also bright, inspiring role models. As they are relatively close in age to our students, they are able to empathise with the difficulties our students are facing, share their own recent exam experiences and offer support in a safe environment, free from judgement. Every session is recorded, so students can re-watch at any time to support revision.


A pupil voice activity from our 2019 student cohort on the MyTutor programme confirms it’s place in supporting out students to achieve their best:


  • 100% of students felt they’d improved their performance in the subject they were tutored in

  • 100% of students said they felt more confident, and

  • 100% of students said they felt their actual GCSE performance was better as a direct result of their tutoring


In summing up their experience of the programme in one word, our students said:


Listen to Gabby Cunningham talk about her experience of one-to-one tuition in Chemistry. For Gabby this resulted in her moving from a Grade 4 in her last mock examination to a Grade 7 in her final GCSE examination:

Gabby Cunningham talks about MyTutor.MOV

Still image for this video

Our evidence shows that students only succeed with one-to one tuition if they are self-motivated and already working hard with the subjects they receive tuition in. One-to one tuition is not a rescue package where students are not engaging with a subject.


With a commitment to 15 or more hours of tuition you could achieve similar gains in performance experienced by Gabby. See The King’s impact case study for 2019 in the MyTutor annual impact report and how our students on the programme gained, on average, over three GCSE grades.

My Tutor 3:1 Pilot


Recently, a selection of Year 10 students were chosen to participate in a pilot scheme for MyTutor. The pilot study was designed to explore the impact of 3:1 tuition sessions in the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science over a ten week period. Like our Year 11 1:1 tuition programme, students worked with undergraduates from universities from across the country.


Being a pilot study, there were always going to be teething problems and of course these, inevitably, were with the technology. Although the technology failed more times than we care to mention, we realised we had a core group of students who showed great tenacity and perseverance. They stayed with the pilot to the very end when justifiably they could have walked away in frustration.


In recognition of their contribution to the development of the 3:1 tuition programme and gratitude for displaying such perseverance, MyTutor have provided our students with Amazon gift vouchers.


A perfect example of an outstanding step of progress from students here at The King’s.



It is fantastic to hear how positive the experience has been for students. Here are a few of their comments:


  • “I think the 3:1 tuition has made a massive impact on my learning and I would love to do it again”

  • “I enjoyed the topics that I covered and the way that we learnt them”

  • “I liked the style of learning and the opportunity to have extra sessions”

  • “The tuition has improved my knowledge on what I have learned in the past and made me remember some key features”

  • “It has helped me to recall previous topics that I may have forgotten, but its great having a tutor who you could ask a question without feeling embarrassed about what your peers may think of you”

Talking to the students at the end of the programme it was clear that they liked the support of being in a trio, as this gave them confidence and the opportunity to talk about their learning in the moment, with the support of a tutor totally focussed on their needs.

To understand MyTutor a little better, visit the MyTutor website to see how it works or have a look at this video of MyTutor on the BBC.
