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Nightingale Academy

Discovering Life in all its Fullness

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Discovering Life in all its Fullness


Welcome from our Principal


Welcome to the website of ‘The King’s Church of England Academy’ which OFSTED found to be a Good Academy with Outstanding features during their last inspection. I hope you find our website useful and informative.


Our motto “Learning with Truth and Love” epitomises the values towards which the governing body, staff and student communities continue to strive. Students are consistently inspired and encouraged to become everything that God has created them to be, through a wide ranging and inclusive curriculum and a wealth of exciting enrichment opportunities. We work hard to create a vibrant, mutually supportive climate for learning in which everyone can thrive.


Staff lead by example and are passionate about encouraging, inspiring, challenging and stretching every individual in their care, so that they can achieve at the highest levels. Through our mission to deliver learning experiences that last a lifetime we do our utmost to maximise the attainment of each student, placing great emphasis on individual character development and personal growth.


We are an inclusive Academy with students of all abilities and social backgrounds. For those students with individual learning and physical needs, we have an extensive Inclusion Team which can provide individual care and nurturing.


Our staff make every effort to get to know each student as an individual. Our Form Tutor system creates a real sense of community, encouraging students to take responsibility for themselves and for the welfare of others.


We believe firmly in traditional standards of discipline and promote the extensive use of restorative justice practices in order that we build the very best working relationships between all members of the academy community. Our well embedded ‘Behaviour for Learning’ policy is designed to encourage positive attitudes to lessons and to ensure students’ behaviour underpins their learning. Visitors to the academy regularly comment on how calm and orderly it is.


Our mission is to enable students to leave The King's Church of England Academy with outstanding results and life changing experiences, equipped to be responsible and caring citizens ready to make a positive impact on the world in which they live.


Will Wilson



