https://www.planitplus.net/Schools/SubjectCareerPosters/ - Posters which can be downloaded linking your subject areas with future career pathways
https://www.theguardian.com/teacher-network - A link to thousands of resources, some of which can be used to provide students with opportunities to explore their future careers and work.
https://www.careersandenterprise.co.uk/ - The link to the Careers and Enterprise Company which provides further details on the Gatsby benchmarks, careers based activities and how these can be embedded within curriculum areas.
http://icould.com/teaching-resources/ - The teaching resources on the icould website provide a range of ideas for careers lesson activities and innovative ways of introducing students to exploring the icould website.
https://www.founders4schools.org.uk/ - A useful website which enables teachers to invite business leaders into school to share their experiences whilst providing an employers encounter for students.