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Nightingale Academy

Discovering Life in all its Fullness

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Learning with truth and love

Key Events

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  • Netball

    Mon 09 Oct 2023

    Monday seen 14 of our students take part in the U16 Netball tournament at Keele University for the day. One team was predominately our Year 11 students and the other team was mainly our year 10’s with help from a couple of amazing year 11’s. There were 14 teams from across Staffordshire and both teams won 3 games and lost 3 games. 


    It was a fantastic display of athleticism and resilience, especially with no substitutes. It was Tillys first time representing the school and you would never have know, she slotted into the team seamlessly. Special mentions to Ruth who was highlighted by other teachers for her excellent performance in defence and Hannah who was relentless in her attack. So many fantastic goals scored by Emily, Olivia, Megan and Samia. 


    Most importantly we had a lot of FUN! We created memories and learning experiences that we will remember for a lifetime.


    Our Netball extra curricular for Year 9-11 is on a Tuesday 3:15-4:15 and everyone is welcome! We had 5 brand new players join next week which was fantastic to see.
