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Nightingale Academy

Discovering Life in all its Fullness

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Learning with truth and love

Key Events

To keep up to date with all the latest day to day news happening in the academy at the moment please visit our dedicated Weduc noticeboard, Facebook or Twitter feeds.

  • Transition Week

    Mon 04 Jul 2022

    Last week (27th – 30th June) The King’s CE Academy welcomed the Year 6's for their transition week. Pupils spent the first day meeting and getting to know their form tutors, whilst playing lots of getting to know you games, participating in team building activities and creating some art work linking to our school values by demonstrating what pupils are most thankful for.


    For the remainder of the week pupils then followed a timetable experiencing some lessons they will participate in September. Lessons included: Financial Literacy, Science, English, RE, Design Technology, Art, PE and many more. All pupils followed their timetables independently making their way around the building calmly, orderly, respectfully and efficiently.


    Pupils also experienced worship time and assemblies, led by their Form Tutor, Head of Year and Richard (The Chaplain).


    Despite the initial first day nerves, all pupils have had a fantastic transition giving feedback such as “I don’t want to go back to primary school, I want to stay here!”, “It has been really fun to meet other people, it has been a really fun week”, “Teachers are all really nice and like to have a laugh with us”.


    The transition ended with a final rewards assembly hosted by their Head of Year to celebrate the successes and progress made throughout their time with us. All pupils have received a certificate to celebrate their successful completion of transition.


    We could not have asked for a better transition here at The King’s and we are all incredibly excited to start the new academic year in September with our new Year 7's.


    We all hope that you have a restful and enjoyable summer ready for your new chapter to begin.

  • KS3 STEM in Action

    Mon 04 Jul 2022

    On Friday 24th June we took 12 KS3 students out to Salford University to attend KS3 STEM in Action. The event focused on three leading scientists with different specialisms. Each scientist presented a talk on their area of focus and how this impacts the wider world and how they came to be where they were from their own education pathways. All three presentations were outstanding and gave us insight into tracking wildlife and the 1000s of images that have to be coded from an expedition, cryogenics and their importance in the future of the human race and finally the science behind swimming the channel.
