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Nightingale Academy

Discovering Life in all its Fullness

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What is ISP?


Here at The King’s, we endeavour to support students so they achieve the very best in school. With this is mind, students identified by SLT who appear to be underperforming will be invited to engage with the ISP program. This is an intervention strategy for Key Stage 4 students to support them on their academic journey so they are able to reach their full potential. The Progress Manager will work closely with a number of stakeholders including SLT, Heads of Faculty, the Inclusion team and parents to ensure any potential barriers to learning are addressed and where possible, are removed. Please follow the link for further information:

Parental Engagement


As part of ISP, parental engagement is crucial. The Progress Manager, Mrs K Hinchcliffe, will give you regular updates of your child’s performance on the ISP program via regular texts, emails and phone calls as well as inform you of what you can do to support at home.


Feedback of the ISP programme

Pupil Premium Review 2017


“ A meeting with the member of the ISP team has looked closely at the impact the programme is

having on students’ attitude to learning, behaviour incidents in classrooms and around the school, and lateness to lessons. Improvement of students’ behaviour is evident as the number of incidents

reported have reduced. Students are now arriving more promptly to lessons, are more focused and engaged and therefore accessing more of the learning available.”


Parent feedback from ISP revision evening Jan 2019


“Thank you for the session you provided for children and parents. it was very insightful, carefully constructed and enjoyable. Yourself and the other teachers are a credit to the school and clearly show how passionate you all are in helping each individual to succeed”


Year 11 ISP Mock evaluation


In February, all Year 11 ISP students sat their examinations in a separate room for their Spring Mocks. The rationale behind this was to improve concentration and motivation when in exam so the students have the best environment to perform to their best ability. This was beneficial to the students as they had a smaller environment to complete their exams and also prompts from their mentor to attempt every question. The table below shows the percentage of grades which either improved, declined or remained the same  from Autumn Mocks to the most recent. Well done to all Year 11 students on the performance in their Mocks.



Parent Feedback


As part of the ISP programme, parental engagement plays a pivotal role in ensuring the best outcomes for your child. This means that your comments are extremely valuable in making sure that the ISP programme continues to be successful. A questionnaire was carried out to get the views of parents. As you can see the overwhelming majority rated the ISP programme either 9 or 10 out of 10.



Progress 8 evaluation of Mocks


The progress 8 value represents the number of GCSE grades that a pupil is either above (+) or

below (-) the typical GCSE grade achieved by similar pupils. Similar pupils are those who left primary school with the same SATs results as your child.


From the table above, the progress 8 figure has been calculated from the results of the Spring Mocks. You can clearly see that the ISP students have made an improvement of over half a GCSE grade on average from their Autumn Mocks.


92% of students have improved their performance since Autumn Mocks.
