Financial Literacy
At The King's, we support all our students in gaining the knowledge, skills and attributes needed to develop into future citizens who have happy, successful and fulfilling lives. We believe that the ability to manage money is a key life skill which also has implications for the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of each child.
We are very pleased to have been accepted on the Young
Money Centre of Excellence in Financial Education programme. This means that we are on a journey to show how we embed Financial Education into our day - to day curriculum. In addition to maths lessons, students also gain personal finance knowledge and skills in other subjects including PSHE, Design & Technology and Hospitality.
Year group initiatives form exciting opportunities for our students to work with parents, local businesses and the wider community. Once a year, we hold whole school events which focus on financial education including 'Keep the Cash' and 'Learn to Earn'. These weeks develop student's understanding of money, enterprise and careers which means we are also supporting the school's drive towards achieving the fourth Gatsby Benchmark.
In addition to this, form groups and the school council are also encouraged to organise and run fundraising events with minimal adult support, demonstrating a level of financial capability which should stand them in good stead for the future. In May this year, several year 12 students organised and executed a charity event in support of Mental Health Awareness week, raising over £100 for Young Minds.
Financial literacy is a core life skill for participating in modern society. Our students are growing up in an increasingly complex world where they will eventually need to take charge of their own financial future. As young adults, learning to live independently, they will need to know how to budget and make wise financial choices for everyday living, for example, choosing mobile phone and utility contracts. They will need to manage risks: save for a ‘rainy day’, avoid taking on unmanageable debt, and provide for their old age and health care. We hope that our financial education programme at The King's will have a positive, long term impact for our students in the future.
Financial literacy display
For more information, please watch the videos below.
Everybody's future matters, especially when it comes to money, work and careers. So it is important to talk about. Yorkshire Building Society have created Money Minds.
See below links to different games (for different Key Stages) to help with budgeting, lifestyle learning, lending & borrowing, careers information and relationships & money advice.