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Nightingale Academy

Discovering Life in all its Fullness

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Discovering Life in all its Fullness



The King's Academy offers a wide range of extra curricular activities and enrichment clubs for all students across the subject areas. Whether you are into sports, creative arts or are looking to improve your ICT skills, there is sure to be a club for you. The school places a high emphasis on extra curricular opportunities with many staff dedicating their time during lunch and after school to run an extra curricular club.


Why Join an Enrichment Club?


There are a number of benefits to joining a club. You could get to explore your physical, creative or career interests. You might be looking to learn a new skill or develop an existing talent. Maybe you would like to meet new people or just try something different. Whatever the reason, joining a club can be very worthwhile. You will get a lot of support from staff and other students, and of course it looks good on college and job applications too!



Download the Enrichment Timetable by clicking on the link:
