Commitment to Homework

Commitment to Homework grades explained
Grade 1 – Outstanding – Your commitment to homework is outstanding.
Your commitment to homework will support you in making excellent or outstanding steps of progress.
This means that work completed outside of the classroom strongly deepens and embeds your learning, meaning that you are much more likely to be making ‘excellent’ and ‘outstanding’ steps of progress. Tasks are submitted on time following guidance notes/success criteria and difficulties, when they arise, are overcome with initiative, for example, asking for help or doing your own research.
Grade 2 – Good – Your commitment to homework is good.
Your commitment to homework will support you in making good or better steps of progress.
This means that work completed outside of the classroom supports your learning. The work you submit is, in the main, on time and completed to the best of your ability following guidance notes/success criteria and therefore actively supports you in making good or better steps of progress. It is rare that tasks are not completed because you have not used your initiative to overcome any difficulties you have faced, for example by seeking help or doing further research.
Grade 3 – Requires Improvement - Your commitment to homework requires improvement.
Your commitment to homework will not support you in making expected or better steps of progress.
This means that work completed outside of the classroom often does not support you in making expected or better steps of progress. You do not pay close enough attention to the guidance notes/success criteria supplied by your teacher to produce a quality piece of work. Often, tasks are either submitted late or incomplete because you have not used your initiative to overcome any adversities or difficulties you have faced, for example by seeking help or doing further research.
Grade 4 – Inadequate - Your commitment to homework is inadequate
Your commitment to homework is likely to prevent you from making expected steps of progress.
This means that you rarely, if at all, complete your homework and as a result, this is a significant barrier to you making expected steps of progress. Where homework tasks are completed and submitted, they rarely follow guidance notes/success criteria and as such they are of low quality. Your poor commitment to homework is having a negative impact on your progress in this subject because you are not dedicating enough time or effort to it.