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Nightingale Academy

Discovering Life in all its Fullness

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Discovering Life in all its Fullness


Year 10 – 2022/23 AP1



% Agree

My child feels safe at the The King's Academy


My child is well taught at The King's Academy


Teachers expect my child to work hard in each lesson


My child understands and knows the behaviours we value and the behaviours we reject 


My child receives reward points from their full range of subject teachers 


I actively encourage my child to complete homework to the best of their ability 


I believe the Academy is effective in communicating information to me about my child


I used my child's latest progress report to inform my conversations with mychild's teachers?


Do you engage with the information shared through the Class Charts app e.g. discuss your child's reward points for the day, discuss and check homework etc.


When you have visited The King's website, do you find it useful and informative



We asked parents to tell us about something we do well - Here are some of their comments: 

  • Supporting students and putting things in place to help them at school.”
  • Care for children”
  • “The support given to my son is outstanding and the constant communication with myself is also outstanding.”
  • “Thank you for organising the evening it was informative easy to book and most of all a positive school and the building itself has heart and feeling.”
  • Supporting my son.”
  • I feel the teachers have took the time to get to know my child’s personality and supported them with their transition to the school. She is much happier in school and growing more confident.
  • Most teachers have a clear and deep understanding of what my child is capable of and more importantly what specific areas they need to work on to improve and progress.”