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Nightingale Academy

Discovering Life in all its Fullness

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Discovering Life in all its Fullness


Year 9 – 2023/24


% Agree

My child feels safe at the The King's Academy


My child is well taught at The King's Academy


The academy has a culture of high expectations for my child


Teachers expect my child to work hard in each lesson


My child understands and knows the behaviours we value and the behaviours we reject 


My child receives reward points from their full range of subject teachers 


The academy makes me aware of why a high level of attendance is important for my child


I actively encourage my child to complete homework to the best of their ability 


I believe the Academy is effective in communicating information to me about my child


Do you engage with the information shared through the Class Charts app e.g. discuss your child's reward points for the day, discuss and check homework etc.


When you have visited The King's website, do you find it useful and informative



We asked parents to tell us about something we do well - Here are some of their comments:

  • Very well organised, caring and friendly staff

  • Encouragement

  • Keeping my child in a safe environment during her time at school

  • Some great teachers who know some children learn differently and try to accommodate in to their lessons.

  • You promote high standards and goals for students to aim for.

  • Students are well supported both inside and outside of the classroom. Relationship are made with students within the classroom. This was shown during parent’s evening when my child’s teacher was sharing their passion for my child’s progression.

  • Caring for and pushing my child to reach her potential.

  • Keeping Class Charts info up to date.

  • You have a good range of enrichment activities. Encouraging my child both in the classroom and in the enrichment activities.

  • Do well in positively rewarding good behaviours with prizes and reward postcards.

  • Supporting my child as required to help him learn in his subjects.

  • High expectations.
